We Believe the Bible | Christian Essentials

The Bible is considered the ultimate truth for Christians and is the foundational basis for Christian doctrine, as every word is believed to be inspired by God and necessary for salvation and living as a Christian.

00:00 Christians believe the Bible is the ultimate truth and guide for living like Jesus.
04:41 Believing in Jesus as the son of God is non-negotiable in Christianity
09:06 The Apostles Creed serves as the foundation for core Christian beliefs.
14:20 The Bible is considered to be the inspired word of God, written by the Holy Spirit through chosen authors, and is trusted as the ultimate truth without error.
19:55 The Bible is essential for understanding and living the Christian faith.
25:50 The Bible is our highest authority, sufficient for knowing God and living a Godly life.
32:20 Believers must study the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit, as it is the authority of God and essential for Christian living.
38:48 The Bible is essential for Christian living and understanding.