To be Anointed

As born-again Christians, we are anointed, consecrated, and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the purpose and mission to be witnesses of God's grace and favor.

• The anointing with oil symbolizes the empowering and presence of the spirit of the Lord.
• Oil represents the spirit of God that allows us to function, just like machinery needs oil to function properly.
• Consecration means formally declaring something sacred and dedicating it to the service of God.
• In the New Covenant, Christians are anointed by the Holy Spirit with power to be witnesses of God's grace and favor.
• If you are a born again Christian, you are anointed, set apart, consecrated for His glory, purpose, and mission.
• You are the anointed ones who are set apart, consecrated for a mission, called out of darkness and into the marvelous light.
• To burn bright, be constantly filled with the anointing of God and stay where the oil is flowing.
• Are you going to throw away your anointing or light yourself on fire and burn for the glory of God?

00:00 Introduction
03:08 Anointing with oil is a divine act
06:02 The anointing with oil represents the presence and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.
09:11 Jesus was anointed by God to bring good news, heal the sick, and free the oppressed
12:31 All born-again Christians are anointed by the Lord and set apart for His glory and purpose
17:14 To live anointed as a Christian requires intentionality and commitment
20:42 Stay full of God's presence to shine as a light and walk in your anointing
24:30 Dedicate yourself to God's calling and mission