The Bible Is The Truth

Living like Jesus means living according to the truth of the Bible, which is the standard for godliness and living a Christian life.

Key insights

• Living like Jesus means living according to the word of God, the Bible.
• Following the word of Jesus is essential for salvation and living a Christian life.
• "Truth is not subjective. It is objective."
• You can either believe the truth or you can believe a lie, but they cannot both be truth.
• The Bible is the truth and the standard for godliness and living fas a Christian.

00:00 Being a Christian means being saved by Jesus, living like Jesus, and following the word of God, the Bible.
01:22 Following the word of God is essential for Christians to live like Jesus and be saved.
02:10 Christians believe the Bible is the objective truth, not subjective.
02:53 The truth is the truth, regardless of perspective or experience.
03:53 The Bible is the ultimate truth for Christians, regardless of personal experiences or perceptions.